
Installing Spatial Creator is relatively straightforward, as it is designed to be used cross-platform.


Spatial Creator currently does not check that these requirements are met, but may fail if they are not. Make sure they are before proceeding.

  • Python 3.10 (later versions should work, but have not been tested)

  • A recent-enough version of FFmpeg (the ffmpeg and ffprobe commands must be in PATH)

  • SoX (the sox command must be in PATH)

  • A fair amount of free disk space (4 GB should be enough)

  • git to download Spatial Creator itself

  • At least one song to convert to surround

  • Optionally, a graphics processor that supports CUDA or ROCm to accelerate processing

Floofi Spatial Creator 1.1 and later comes with a proprietary impulse response file (ir.wav) that is © 2005 Aalto University and must not be used for commercial use.

Downloading Spatial Creator from the first time

To download Spatial Creator, use the following command:

git clone --branch 1.1.0

This will create a new folder named "spacer" with the source code inside. Then use:

cd spacer

To switch to this directory.

Upgrading from an older version of Spatial Creator

If you are upgrading from an older version of Spatial Creator, first go to the folder where Spatial Creator is installed:

cd spacer

(or wherever you have installed Spatial Creator) and run the following command:

git checkout 1.1.0

Installing the dependencies

To make it easier to install dependencies, we will use a virtual environment. Use the following command to proceed:

python3.10 -m venv .venv

On Windows, you might need to use the python3, python or py command instead. You can use python3 -V (or python -V, or py -V) to make sure you are running Python 3.10.

Once the virtual environment is installed, you can start it by using the following command (depending on your platform):

Once in the virtual environment, you can use the following command to install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You now have everything you need to run Spatial Creator, congratulations!

Last updated